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tesseract r552 1bppIndexed image error

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Kayıt Tarihi: 27.Ocak.2012
Bulundugu Yer: FETHİYE
Online: Sitede Değil
Gönderilenler: 26
  Alıntı aziz.alkurt Alıntı  Yanıt YazCevapla Mesajın Direkt Linki Konu: tesseract r552 1bppIndexed image error
    Gönderim Zamanı: 09.Aralik.2012 Saat 13:13
1bppIndexed image -> AccessViolationException

Solution in ccmain->output.cpp-> void Tesseract::write_results( //write output ETEXT_DESC *monitor, WERD_RES *word, //word to do BLOCK *block, //block it is from ROW_RES *row, //row it is from const STRING &text, //text to write const STRING &text_lengths) {.....} this function calls for 3 times "ocr_append_char" function but it use "pix_grey_" variable. if you change it "pix_grey_" to "pix_binary_", the error improves
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